A Passion Avenue For Science
The purpose of this research is to understand how climate change affects ocean conditions. It is important to note that certain parts of the ocean, particularly in Indonesia, have distinct characteristics. Because of these differences, we can assume that the effects of climate change are not uniform across all areas of the ocean.
In this research, we focus on the Lombok Strait and Jakarta Bay. The Lombok Strait is notable as one of the main passages for the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), which facilitates water exchange between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. In contrast, Jakarta Bay endures significant pollution from industrial and anthropogenic activities.
Data Collection
The data were collected from NASA Earth Data and the OceanColor database. They were then corrected for anomalies and visualized using SeaDas and ArcGIS. Data correction aimed to ensure maximum accuracy. Data were collected monthly during the wet and dry seasons at data points in the Lombok Strait and Jakarta Bay.
Result and Analysis
We represent the data through images to show that the sea surface temperature has been rising slightly over the years in both Jakarta Bay and Lombok Strait, but still within a safe fluctuation range. Furthermore, in 2020, it was reported that an El Niño phenomenon occurred, and our results confined that climate phenomena like El Niño (considered extreme in 2020) contribute to making the sea surface warmer than several years prior.
A warming ocean poses significant threats to marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, Arctic biota, fisheries, and other aquatic organisms, as many species are unable to tolerate extreme temperature fluctuations. The warming of ocean waters is a critical indicator of climate change, underscoring the ocean's role as a crucial buffer for the Earth. Beyond natural variability driven by currents and winds, the ocean absorbs atmospheric gases and terrestrial pollutants, which leads to substantial changes in its biogeochemical properties. This absorption process means that any environmental alterations on land or in the atmosphere are mirrored in the ocean, exacerbating its warming. Even a modest increase of 1 degree Celsius in sea temperature can have profound impacts, triggering cascading effects such as widespread coral bleaching, disruptions in marine food webs, and more frequent and severe coastal flooding. These changes not only threaten biodiversity but also have serious implications for human communities reliant on marine resources.
Moreover, a Pearson correlation analysis was employed to examine the relationship between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and phytoplankton abundance, represented by Chlorophyll-a concentrations. The findings revealed a positive but weak correlation between these parameters across both study sites. However, upon analyzing the results, we discerned the constraints associated with utilizing Aqua-MODIS satellite data for our study areas.
This limitation stems from potential biases induced by water conditions, particularly high turbidity. The elevated turbidity levels arise from suspended particulate matter in the water, originating from diverse anthropogenic activities such as river runoff, household waste discharge, detergent usage, and other sources. Jakarta Bay, characterized by intense anthropogenic influences like shipping, recreational activities, local customs activities, and domestic waste disposal, exhibits heightened levels of organic matter input into its waters. Conversely, Lombok Strait, although experiencing lower anthropogenic impacts, faces substantial shipping traffic, thereby reducing the likelihood of organic matter 'blooms' in its waters.
In this work, Mason and his mentor comparing the effect of climate change in Lombok and Jakarta Straits, Indonesia.
Understanding The Effect of Climate Change on Indonesia Through Analyzing SST and Chlorophyll-a Quantities in Lombok and Jakarta Strait